Coronavirus: Precaution  taken by Cashmere Industry ‘Natureknit’

Coronavirus: Precaution taken by Cashmere Industry ‘Natureknit’


 Cashmere Industry Natureknit and Covid-19

Definition of COVID 19

According to WHO Corona viruses (CoV ) are “a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging i Irom the common cold to more severe diseases such as Midle East Respiratory Syndrome MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)”

WHO has considered COVID I9 as a pandemic on 12″ March 2020. Since, this virus is new to human: there are no proven vaccines and medications for it and statistics showed that it  has notably higher mortality rate than influenza with a severe symptom in some populations. At this time of outbreak most of the people are practicing social distancing. However. social distancing could prove nearly impossible depending on the condition and a person’s part at our factory. 

For all the employees working at nature knit(Cashmere Industry), irrespective of precise exposure risks, we have circulated below instructions and measures to encourage safe healthy practices among the individuals.


  1.  Wash Your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and use hand sanitizer throughout the day.
  2. Avoid touching your eyes. mouth and nose with unwashed hand. 
  3. Sneeze or cough into your elbow.
  4. Practice Namaste as a substitute for shaking hands.
  5.  If the employee feels the slightest ill or even uncomfortable, please do not feel obligated to come to work and encourage medical advice as appropriate. 
  6. Stay home if you have even mild cold or flu symptoms.
  7. We are providing vitamin C-capsules everyday  to all individuals to boost the immunity system.
  8. Similarly. we are supplying mask to all the employees, which are prepared by our workers and providing awareness about use. take off and dispose of the mask properly. 
  9.  Routinely clean and sanitize all the frequently touched surfaces in the workplace such as workstation. door knobs, light switches, tables. touched electronics. Restrictions on non essential gatherings like weddings. religious services, funerals etc. 
  10. Practicing (Sensitize liquid) to people who visit our office occasionally and this applies to Visitors as well employees.
  11. For  a time we have temporarily discard fingerprint scanner at our factory table
  12. Sanitizing wipes to people when they get in and out to the company transport to commute to work.

Coronavirus-Precaution taken by Cashmere Industry Natureknit

 Likewise . we have been  counseling for people about following measures

  1.  What action to take it people become unwell?
  2. What symptoms to be concerned about?

These are the preventive measures we are implementing in our factory (Cashmere Industry). We have encouraged all employees to follow responsible health measures to protect themselves and people they come contact with. We have been constantly reminding employees that they have a duty to take responsible care for their own health and safety and not to adversely affect the health and safety others


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