
cashmere shawl made in nepal
cashmere manufacturing nepal

we produce the items especially for your store, brand, and the product can have labels with your logo

By buying sustainable cashmere products, you are preserving, saving the environment and promoting sustainable rural development

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Cashmere in Nepal Cashmere manufacturing in Nepal

Cashmere In Nepal

Investing in quality cashmere is investing in luxury, long life and indulgence. The word “cashmere” is derived from the old spelling of Kashmir, where the production and trade originated.  In our company, Nature Knit, we…

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Cashmere Travel Set

luxury cashmere travel set

Best Cashmere Travel Set(Cashmere Travel Kit) Our travel set is made from the excellent cashmere yarn with a strong focus on comfort, quality  and class.Best cashmere travel set (Cashmere Travel Kit) is made for those…

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